A passion for people

Madikwe Berry is located in the poor and arid province of Limpopo in South Africa, close to the border with Botswana. Historically, this is an area where people have been marginalised – jobs are few, with unemployment running at well over 50%. Those from this area who find work do so at platinum mines, hundreds of kilometres away, or as labourers on farms. The poorest of the poor are women, who struggle the most to find work.

That is why at Madikwe Berry we have a policy of employing most of our staff from the local community. The majority of our employees are local women. We train people who have never had a job before, upskill and grow them, and give them dignity and a better life through work.

Because blueberries are nutritious and delicious, we also give them away to local people in the area of our farm, when we are in a position to do so.

Tiisang Mosiya

Tiisang was hired as a security guard for Madikwe Berry in 2017 and from the start showed strong leadership skills. He soon moved into production and in April 2020 became the farm’s fertigation and irrigation manager.

Tiisang Mosiya, Fertigation and Irrigation Manager

Charlotte Yanta

Charlotte was born in Losmytjerrie, a tiny village in the North West province of South Africa. She started working for Madikwe Berry in 2017 and after being sent on a training course and showing enormous potential, was soon promoted. Charlotte is now Madikwe Berry's packhouse and compliance assistant manager.

Charlotte Yanta, Packhouse and Compliance Assistant Manager